It’s been a long old year of lockdown. Who’d’ve thought a year ago that we’d still be in this situation a year on? But let’s not dwell on that. We…
tabletop games
I never expected that the first time that I failed* to escape an escape room on time, it would be in the comfort of my living room. And yet that’s…
The mulled wine has been drunk; the duck (we have duck not turkey) has been eaten; the presents have been opened. And Santa has been kind enough to bring me…
On Saturday 1st July, over 600 people around the world played the same megagame. The game was based at 11 different locations around Europe and North America, with each location…
(gritty, New York, film noir accent) The mean streets of Big City, USA, are no place for an honest person to make a living. The stench of corruption and scandal…
Megagames are damn hard work. There’s soooo much stuff to do. Some of it is the fun stuff. Coming up with cool mechanics and writing setting fluff and stuff like…
When Jim and John announced a fantasy themed megagame called Dungeons of Yendor, I was in two minds. On the one hand, Jim’s games are usually excellent, and the setting…
Hi all! TC here. As my payment for the goat, I agreed to do a guest blog, so here you have it; your first TC takeover. I’ll be reviewing A…
I bought a new board game recently 😀 I first encountered the wonder that is Codenames at the International Tabletop Day in Manchester. I literally went on Amazon and bought…